10 Surprising Ways PurifyCSS Can Clean Up Your CSS

purify css

Maintaining clean and optimized CSS code is crucial for website performance and offers a plethora of benefits. CSS Cleaner not only speeds up page load times but also enhances user experience and improves SEO rankings. CSS Optimizer makes the codebase easier to maintain, which boosts developer productivity. 

Developers often face challenges in maintaining a clean CSS codebase. Continuous changes and updates, coupled with the use of frameworks and libraries, lead to an accumulation of unused styles. This clutter can slow down websites and make debugging more difficult. 

To tackle these issues, several tools have been developed to help developers clean up their CSS efficiently. This article will discuss top tools for cleaning up your CSS, including: 

  1. PurifyCSS: A powerful tool for reducing unused CSS. 
  2. UnCSS: Known for its ability to delete unused CSS styles. 
  3. Clean CSS: An online application for removing unused CSS styles. 
  4. Other helpful tools such as Tabifier, cssnano, and Stylelint. 

These tools streamline the process of optimizing your CSS, making your website faster and more efficient. We’ll dive into each tool’s features, along with step-by-step tutorials on how to use them effectively. 

Purify CSS

PurifyCSS is a powerful HTML cleanup tool that helps you remove unused CSS wordpress sheets from your codebase, making your stylesheets more efficient and lightweight. It’s especially useful for developers who regularly update their code or rely on large frameworks.

Key Features

PurifyCSS has several features that make it stand out: 

1. Efficient Detection

It scans your HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files to identify and remove unused styles.

2. Customization

You can configure PurifyCSS to specify file paths and patterns, giving you precise control over which files to optimize.

3. Integration

PurifyCSS works well with popular build tools like Gulp and webpack, allowing you to easily incorporate it into your existing workflow.

4. Performance Improvement

By reducing the size of your CSS files, PurifyCSS helps improve website performance with faster load times. 

How to Use Purify CSS

Using PurifyCSS is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  • Install PurifyCSS using npm: 
  • bash npm install purify-css –save-dev

Basic Usage

  • Create a script that specifies the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files you want to process. For example:
  • javascript const purify = require(‘purify-css‘); 
  • const content = [‘index.html’, ‘src//*.js‘]; const css = [‘styles//*.css‘]; 
  • const options = { output: ‘dist/purified.css’, minify: true, info: true, rejected: true, }; 
  • purify(content, css, options);

Running the Script

  • Run the script using Node.js:
  • bash node purify-script.js

This will generate a new purified.css file in the dist directory, containing only the CSS styles that are actually used in your specified HTML and JavaScript files. 

Pros and Cons


  • Significantly reduces CSS file sizes by removing unused styles. 
  • Offers various configuration options for tailored optimization. 
  • Easily integrates with popular build tools like Gulp and webpack. 


  • Initial setup might be complex for beginners.
  • May have limitations when dealing with dynamically loaded content or inline styles that are not present in the initial scan.

PurifyCSS offers a powerful solution for optimizing CSS by removing unnecessary code. Its ability to integrate seamlessly with existing development workflows makes it a valuable tool for any developer looking to streamline their CSS codebase.


UnCSS is another powerful tool that can improve your CSS workflow by removing unused styles from your clean up code. This results in smaller file sizes, faster page load times, and easier maintenance. 

Key Features of UnCSS

UnCSS stands out for its ability to analyze your HTML and identify unused CSS selectors. Here are some key features: 

Static Analysis: Scans your HTML files to determine which CSS rules are actually being used. 

JavaScript Support: Can process JavaScript-injected styles, ensuring comprehensive cleanup. 

Multiple Output Formats: Allows you to save the cleaned CSS in various formats for flexibility. 

Use Cases for UnCSS

UnCSS has been successfully implemented in numerous scenarios to optimize CSS: 

  • Single-page Applications (SPAs): SPAs often load large amounts of CSS at once. UnCSS helps in trimming down these stylesheets, improving load times. 
  • Legacy Projects: Older projects with accumulated unused styles benefit greatly from UnCSS, making future maintenance easier. 
  • Framework-heavy Sites: Sites built with frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation often include many unused styles. UnCSS can significantly reduce the size of these stylesheets. 

Installation Guide and Configuration Options

Installing UnCSS is straightforward. You can set it up via npm: 

bash npm install -g uncss 

To use UnCSS, create a simple configuration file or run it directly through the command line: 

bash uncss index.html > cleaned.css 

More complex configurations can be managed using a config file (uncssrc.json): 

json { “html”: [“index.html”, “about.html”], “ignore”: [“.keep-this”] } 

This file allows you to specify multiple HTML files and even ignore certain selectors that should not be removed. 

Comparison with PurifyCSS

While both PurifyCSS and UnCSS aim to clean up unused CSS, they have distinctive approaches: 


  • Primarily scans HTML and JavaScript files.
  • Offers a more flexible API for integration into build processes. 


  • Focuses on static analysis of HTML content. 
  • Provides better support for JavaScript-injected styles. 

Choosing between them depends on your specific project requirements. For static sites or projects where JavaScript modifies the DOM heavily, UnCSS may offer a more tailored solution. 

Potential Limitations

UnCSS isn’t without its drawbacks: 

  • Dynamic Content: Struggles with highly dynamic content where styles are applied conditionally through user interactions. 
  • Configuration Overhead: Requires careful configuration to ensure that no critical styles are accidentally removed. 
  • Build Integration: May need extra scripting for seamless integration into automated build pipelines. 

Despite these limitations, UnCSS remains a powerful tool in the arsenal of front-end developers looking to optimize their CSS. 

Clean CSS

Clean CSS is a widely-used HTML clean up tool designed to both clean up and minify CSS code, making it a favorite among developers aiming to optimize their stylesheets efficiently. Its intuitive interface and robust set of features simplify the process of removing unnecessary whitespace, comments, and redundant code, which contributes to faster page load times and improved website performance. 

User Interface Walkthrough and Key Functions

Navigating through CleanCSS is straightforward. Here’s how you can get started: 

  • Visit the Website: Access the Clean CSS tool at clean-css.com. 
  • Input Your CSS Code: Paste your existing CSS into the provided text area. 
  • Choose Optimization Options: 
  • Remove Whitespace: Clears out unnecessary spaces and line breaks. 
  • Minify Code: Compresses the CSS file size by removing comments and minimizing the overall syntax. 
  • Advanced Options: Provides additional settings such as restructuring selectors, merging rules, and more. 
  • Click “Minify”: After selecting your desired options, click the “Minify” button to process the code. 

Below is an example demonstrating how Clean CSS modifies a basic stylesheet: 

css /* Original CSS */ body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } 

h1 { font-size: 2em; margin-bottom: 20px; } 

After processing with Clean CSS: 

css /* Minified CSS */ body{margin:0;padding:0}h1{font-size:2em;margin-bottom:20px} 

The tool effectively reduces file size while maintaining functionality. 

Pros and Cons of Using Clean CSS in the Workflow


  • Simplicity: The user-friendly interface makes it accessible for developers of all skill levels.
  • Efficiency: Quickly processes and optimizes large stylesheets.
  • Customization: Offers various settings for tailoring optimization to specific project needs. 
  • Accessibility: Being an online tool means no installation is required, accessible from any device with internet connectivity. 


  • Dependency on Internet Connection: Requires an active internet connection to use, potentially limiting accessibility during offline work scenarios. 
  • Limited Advanced Features: While it covers basic optimization needs well, it may lack some advanced features found in dedicated desktop applications or more comprehensive tools like PurifyCSS.

Using Clean CSS can significantly streamline your workflow by automating common cleanup tasks, ensuring your stylesheets remain optimized without extensive manual effort. 

Other Helpful Tools


Tabifier is a handy tool for stripping unused CSS code, making it more readable and easier to maintain. By reformatting your CSS with proper indentation and structure, Tabifier helps developers quickly identify and edit specific parts of their stylesheet. This tool is particularly useful when dealing with large CSS files that have grown unwieldy over time. 


cssnano serves as an excellent option for those looking to optimize and minify their CSS. It applies advanced optimization techniques, such as removing redundant code and compressing whitespace, to produce a leaner stylesheet. The result is faster load times and improved performance. Installation can be achieved via npm: 

sh npm install cssnano 

cssnano can then be incorporated into your build process using popular task runners like Gulp or Webpack. 


Stylelint functions as a CSS code linting utility, ensuring that your styles adhere to consistent coding standards. By identifying and flagging errors or deviations from specified guidelines, Stylelint helps maintain code quality across the development team. Configuration can be customized through a .stylelintrc file to suit the specific needs of your project. 

sh npm install stylelint –save-dev 

With plugins and integrations available for various editors, Stylelint seamlessly fits into different development environments, promoting best practices in CSS coding. 

Benefits of Using Top CSS Cleanup Tools

Using top CSS cleanup tools has several advantages: 

1. Improved Website Performance

By removing unused styles, these tools reduce the overall size of your CSS files. Smaller files mean faster load times, which is critical for retaining visitors and reducing bounce rates.

2. Enhanced User Experience

A streamlined CSS codebase also contributes to an enhanced user experience. Users benefit from quicker page loads and smoother interactions, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement. Clean, efficient CSS ensures that styles are applied consistently across different devices and browsers, providing a seamless experience.

3. Better SEO Rankings

Optimized CSS positively impacts SEO rankings as well. Search engines favor websites with fast loading times and efficient resource usage. Using tools like PurifyCSS and UnCSS to clean up your stylesheets can give you an edge in search engine results, driving more organic traffic to your site.

4. Increased Developer Productivity

For developers, these tools boost productivity. Automated cleanup processes save time that would otherwise be spent manually sifting through lines of code. Developers can focus on building new features instead of maintaining legacy code, enhancing their efficiency and creativity.

By integrating these tools into your workflow, you ensure a cleaner, more efficient codebase that benefits both users and developers alike.


Exploring the top tools for cleaning up your CSS, such as PurifyCSS, UnCSS, and Clean CSS, provides valuable insights into optimizing and maintaining a cleaner codebase. These tools can significantly enhance your website’s performance, user experience, SEO rankings, and developer productivity.

Regularly maintaining your CSS codebase is essential to prevent the accumulation of unused styles. Making this a consistent practice can help you stay ahead of potential issues and keep your website running smoothly.

Incorporating a mix of automated tools and manual review into your routine will yield the best results, ensuring a clean, efficient, and optimized stylesheet.