30+ WordPress Statistics for 2024

WordPress is a giant in the world of web development, powering a large part of the internet. It is the preferred platform for building websites due to its versatility and strong ecosystem, catering to everyone from casual bloggers to large businesses.

This article presents 30+ key WordPress statistics for 2024 to provide you with an in-depth understanding of WordPress’s current state and future trends. These insights will be invaluable whether you’re a developer, a business owner, or someone looking to start their first website.

What You’ll Learn:

  • WordPress Market Share and Usage: Understand how dominant WordPress is compared to other CMS platforms.
  • Themes and Plugins: Discover the vast array of themes and plugins that enhance WordPress functionality.
  • Demographics and Language Statistics: Gain insights into the linguistic diversity within the WordPress community. Know more about WordPress stats.
  • Content Creation: Learn about the staggering amount of content generated on WordPress sites.
  • E-commerce Landscape with WooCommerce Plugin: Explore WooCommerce’s role in shaping online retail.
  • Security Insights: Familiarize yourself with security challenges faced by WordPress sites.
  • Developer Insights and Trends: Find out what trends are driving the WordPress developer community.
  • Engagement Metrics on WP Sites: Analyze how users are engaging with content on WordPress sites.

By diving into these statistics, you’ll gain a clearer picture of the immense impact and future potential of WordPress in the digital landscape.

Market Share and Usage of WordPress

When discussing how many websites use WordPress, the numbers are quite impressive. As of 2024, WordPress powers approximately 43.5% of all websites globally. This translates to around 478 million sites. Its dominance in the web development landscape is further highlighted by its market share among known content management systems (CMS).

CMS Market Share

Analyzing how many WordPress sites are there, leads to a staggering 62.6% of the CMS market share. To put this into perspective:

  • Joomla holds around 4.7%
  • Drupal commands roughly 2.9%
  • Shopify has about 3.5%

These figures illustrate WordPress’s significant lead over other platforms, highlighting its popularity and reliability.

Growth Trends Over the Last Decade

The growth trajectory of WordPress over the past ten years underscores its increasing adoption and influence in web development:

  • 30% increase in usage: From powering just over 30% of websites in 2014 to nearly half in 2024.
  • Adoption by major brands: Companies like The New York Times, Microsoft, and Spotify rely on stats for WordPress for their online presence.
  • Community support: A robust ecosystem of developers, designers, and users continuously innovates and contributes to the platform’s evolution.

This consistent growth reflects WordPress’s ability to adapt to changing technological landscapes and user needs.

By understanding these statistics, one can appreciate why WordPress remains a preferred choice for building websites globally.

Themes and Plugins in WordPress

Overview of Available Themes

WordPress offers a wide selection of themes, with over 30,000 options available to users. These themes cater to various needs, including personal blogs and professional business sites. One of the main reasons why many users are attracted to WordPress is the ability to customize their websites’ appearance according to their specific requirements.

Popular Themes

Among the numerous themes available, some have gained popularity due to their versatility and user-friendly nature. Here are a couple of noteworthy mentions:

  • Divi: Known for its drag-and-drop builder, Divi offers extensive customization options.
  • Astra: Lightweight and performance-focused, Astra is highly favored for its speed and flexibility.

These themes often come with pre-built templates, making it easier for users to quickly set up their websites without needing extensive design skills.

Overview of Plugins Available

Plugins are tools that enhance the functionality of WordPress sites, and there are more than 70,000 plugins in the WordPress repository. These plugins serve various purposes, such as improving search engine optimization (SEO) or enabling e-commerce capabilities.

Widely Used Plugins

Certain plugins stand out due to their widespread adoption and robust features:

  • Elementor: A powerful page builder that simplifies the creation of complex layouts without requiring coding knowledge.
  • Yoast SEO: Essential for search engine optimization, Yoast SEO helps users optimize their content for better visibility on search engines.

These plugins not only enhance the functionality of WordPress sites but also contribute significantly to their performance and user experience.

With a vast selection of themes and plugins available, WordPress empowers users to create unique and functional websites that cater specifically to their needs.

Demographics and Language Statistics

Understanding the demographics of WordPress users reveals much about its extensive reach and adaptability. WordPress is a truly global platform, catering to a vast array of users across different regions and languages.

Distribution of Language Translations

WordPress supports an impressive number of language translations:

  • 208 languages: This broad range ensures that users from virtually any linguistic background can access and use WordPress in their native tongue. The availability of numerous translations underscores WordPress’s commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, making it a go-to platform for non-English speaking populations.

Prevalence of English among Users

Despite the extensive language support, English remains the dominant language on WordPress:

  • 71% of all WordPress users prefer English. This statistic highlights the platform’s significant user base in predominantly English-speaking countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.

Global Internet User Demographics

The global internet user demographics reflect this trend. While English is widely spoken and used online, other languages like Spanish, Chinese, French, and German also have substantial representation. WordPress’s multilingual capabilities ensure it remains relevant and usable across these diverse linguistic landscapes.

Importance of Multilingual Support

For businesses and bloggers aiming to reach an international audience, leveraging WordPress’s multilingual features can be crucial. Plugins such as WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin) make it easier to translate content into multiple languages seamlessly.

Key Takeaways

  • 208 languages supported: Enhances accessibility for non-English speakers.
  • 71% English prevalence: Indicates a strong presence in English-speaking regions but also points to potential growth areas in other language markets.

These insights into the demographics of WordPress users and its extensive language support emphasize why it continues to be a preferred choice for website development globally.

Content Creation on WordPress Sites

The scale of content creation on WordPress is monumental. With an estimated 70 million new posts created monthly, the platform remains a cornerstone for bloggers, businesses, and content creators worldwide.

Key aspects to consider:

  • Volume of Posts: Each month, users generate around 70 million new posts. This immense volume showcases the platform’s popularity and its role in facilitating diverse forms of content.
  • Content Variety: These posts range from blog articles and news updates to product descriptions and tutorials. The flexibility of WordPress supports various content types, catering to different audience needs.
  • Visual Media Integration: Many posts incorporate multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics. This enriches the content and enhances user engagement, making WordPress a powerful tool for visual storytelling.

Popularity Among Users

Several factors contribute to WordPress’s robust content creation statistics:

  • Ease of Use: WordPress’s intuitive interface allows users with varying technical expertise to create and publish content effortlessly.
  • SEO Capabilities: Integrated SEO tools like Yoast SEO help users optimize their posts for search engines, driving more traffic and visibility.
  • Community Support: A vibrant community offers plugins, themes, and forums that assist users in enhancing their content quality and reach.

E-commerce Landscape with WooCommerce Plugin

WooCommerce’s Influence on E-commerce

WooCommerce is a major player in the e-commerce realm, seamlessly integrating with WordPress to transform websites into powerful online stores. Its user-friendly interface and extensive customization options make it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. This versatility allows entrepreneurs to set up stores that cater to specific niches or broad markets, contributing significantly to the global e-commerce economy.

Key WooCommerce Statistics

  • Number of Websites Powered by WooCommerce: Approximately 101.2 million websites utilize the WooCommerce plugin. This staggering number underscores its widespread adoption and critical role in online retail.
  • Market Penetration: WooCommerce is employed by around one-fifth of all online stores globally, showcasing its dominance and trust within the e-commerce community.

Popularity and Usage

The popularity of WooCommerce can be attributed to several factors:

  • Ease of Use: With an intuitive interface, it allows even those with minimal technical skills to set up and manage an online store.
  • Extensive Plugin Library: A vast array of plugins enhances functionality, from payment gateways to inventory management systems.
  • Customization: Themes and extensions enable store owners to tailor their sites to meet unique business requirements.

Example Plugins Enhancing WooCommerce

  • Elementor: Often used in conjunction with WooCommerce for designing attractive storefronts.
  • Yoast SEO: Helps optimize product pages for search engines, driving organic traffic.

The integration capabilities of WooCommerce with the WordPress stats plugin create an ecosystem that appeals to business owners. By leveraging its robust features, businesses can scale efficiently while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction.

Security Insights for WordPress Sites

Security concerns in WordPress sites are a significant topic of discussion, especially given the platform’s extensive use and popularity. With approximately 43.5% of all websites powered by WordPress—that translates to around 478 million sites worldwide—it is an attractive target for malicious activities.

Key Security Statistics:

  • Frequency of attacks: A typical WordPress site faces an attack every 23 minutes. This alarming statistic underscores the constant vigilance required to maintain site security.
  • Hacked sites: On any given day, around 13,000 WordPress sites fall victim to hacking attempts. These breaches can result in data loss, site defacement, and other severe consequences.

Common Vulnerabilities:

Understanding the common vulnerabilities can help mitigate risks:

  • Outdated Plugins and Themes: One of the primary sources of vulnerabilities is outdated plugins and themes. Ensuring timely updates can significantly reduce exposure to known threats.
  • Weak Passwords: Simple or reused passwords are easily exploited. Implementing strong password policies is crucial.
  • Lack of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enabling 2FA adds an extra layer of security, making unauthorized access more difficult.

Security Practices:

To boost security, consider these practices:

  • Regular Updates: Keeping WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated helps close security loopholes.
  • Security Plugins: Utilize security plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri to provide real-time protection and monitoring.
  • Automated Backups: Regular backups ensure that you can quickly recover your site if compromised.

Developer Insights and Trends in the WP Community

Average Salary for a WordPress Developer

The average annual salary for a WordPress developer stands at approximately $60,000. This figure can vary significantly based on factors such as geographic location, level of experience, and specific skill sets. For instance:

  • Entry-level developers may earn between $40,000 to $50,000.
  • Mid-level professionals often see salaries ranging from $55,000 to $70,000.
  • Senior developers or those with specialized skills can command salaries upwards of $80,000.

Developer Market Trends

The WordPress community is dynamic and continuously evolving. Key trends shaping the developer market include:

  • Remote Work Opportunities: Many WordPress developers now work remotely, offering flexibility and access to a global job market.
  • Freelancing and Contract Work: A significant number of developers opt for freelance or contract-based roles. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are popular among WordPress professionals seeking project-based work.
  • Specialization in Plugins and Themes: Expertise in creating custom plugins and themes is highly sought after. Developers who excel in these areas can find lucrative opportunities.
  • Continuous Learning and Certification: Keeping up with the latest updates and obtaining certifications from platforms like Udemy or WP Elevation boosts a developer’s marketability.

Engagement Metrics on WP Sites

User engagement metrics on WP sites provide invaluable insights into how visitors interact with WordPress-powered websites. These metrics help site owners and developers understand user behavior, optimize content, and improve user experience.

Total Monthly Views Across All Sites Using WP:

  • 409 Million Monthly Users: WordPress sites collectively boast around 409 million unique visitors each month. This staggering number highlights the platform’s widespread reach and influence.
  • 20 Billion Monthly Page Views: These users generate approximately 20 billion page views every month, indicating active browsing and interaction across countless WordPress sites.

Key Engagement Metrics to Monitor:

  • Average Session Duration: The amount of time an average user spends on a site during a single visit. Longer sessions typically indicate higher engagement.
  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing only one page. A lower bounce rate suggests better content relevance and user retention.
  • Pages Per Session: The average number of pages viewed per session. Higher numbers often reflect greater interest in the site’s content.

Examples of High Engagement Sites:

  • Tech Blogs: Popular tech blogs like TechCrunch leverage WordPress’s capabilities to deliver timely news and articles, attracting millions of readers monthly.
  • E-commerce Stores: WooCommerce-powered stores see significant engagement due to their seamless shopping experiences and extensive product catalogs.

Impact of Plugins on Engagement:

  • Yoast SEO: Helps improve search engine visibility, driving more organic traffic.
  • Elementor: Enhances user experience with visually appealing, interactive designs.

These metrics underscore the importance of monitoring and optimizing user engagement on WP sites to ensure sustained growth and success.


Understanding the Statistics in WordPress for 2024 can significantly enhance your approach to leveraging the platform. These insights reveal WordPress’s market dominance, with 43.5% of all websites powered by it, over 30,000 themes and 70,000 plugins available, and WooCommerce driving e-commerce on 101.2 million sites.

Additionally, English dominates at 71%, users create 70 million new posts monthly, and WordPress sites face security attacks every 23 minutes. The average WP developer earns $60,000 annually, with 409 million monthly views across WP sites. To stay ahead, continuously monitor these trends and adapt your strategies, using tools like WP statistics plugins to maintain a competitive edge in your web development efforts.