5 Challenges of Managing Teams Working from Home

Managing Teams Working from Home

Remote work provides flexibility and access to global talent but also poses challenges for team managers. Remote teams are professionals working together from different places, and they are important in today’s workforce. Working from home remotely has become more common because of technology, changing work attitudes, and global events. These factors have also reshaped our perception of traditional offices.

Remote workforce management is important for achieving goals and maintaining a positive team culture. This blog discusses the challenges of managing remote employees and provides tips to address them.

Communication Barriers

One of the most significant challenges faced by managers of remote teams is the prevalence of communication barriers. Unlike traditional office environment settings where face-to-face interactions are commonplace, remote teams rely on digital communication tools. This shift can lead to a lack of nuanced understanding, misinterpretation of messages, and delays in response time. Additionally, time zone differences can further complicate real-time communication between teams, making it challenging for teams to collaborate seamlessly.

In the absence of regular in-person interactions, the social fabric that binds a team together may weaken. Conversations at the workplace, such as around the water dispenser or over lunch, aid in fostering team unity. Challenges of working from home teams include missing informal exchanges, affecting professional relationships, collaboration, and creativity within the team.

Team Coordination and Collaboration

Coordinating and collaborating effectively within a remote team can be a daunting task. Working together in real-time is difficult when team members have different working hours and time zones. Managing projects is harder when team members aren’t together. Having good systems for tracking progress and making sure everyone is on the same page is important.

Balancing individual and team goals becomes trickier in managing remote workers. Without the physical presence of a team, ensuring that each member understands their role in the larger context of the project can be challenging. Managers must find effective ways to monitor and encourage collaboration, ensuring team members feel accountable and responsible.

Maintaining Team Morale and Engagement

The feeling of isolation is a common issue faced by remote team members. Managing teams remotely can make employees feel disconnected from their colleagues. This feeling comes due to the lack of daily interactions and camaraderie. Limited employee engagement can lead to a decline in team morale, potentially impacting productivity and creativity.

Employees working from home can feel burnt out which can affect their mental health. This is another significant challenge in workplace concerns in leading remote teams. The unclear boundaries between work and personal life, along with the need to always be reachable, can cause more stress. Building team spirit is difficult when team members are far apart.

Monitoring Productivity

In a traditional office setting, supervisors can easily manage employee activity and provide instant feedback. However, in a remote work scenario, the lack of direct supervision can pose challenges in monitoring productivity. Ensuring accountability without micromanaging becomes a delicate balance that managers must navigate.

Measuring output effectively in a remote team requires a shift from traditional methods to more outcome-oriented approaches. However, striking the right balance between trust and control is not an easy task. Too much monitoring can make remote team members lose trust, but too much freedom can reduce accountability and productivity.

Technological Hurdles

The reliance on digital tools for time management, communication, and collaboration introduces its own set of challenges. Remote teams are heavily dependent on technology to stay connected, and any technical issues can disrupt the workflow. Making sure that everyone on the team can use the project management tools they need is important for a remote team. However, you can overcome this hurdle by hiring an offshore development center to take care of the remote operations responsibilities.

Technical challenges of working remotely extend beyond the tools themselves. Training and onboarding new team members remotely present unique difficulties. Lack of in-person meetings can make it difficult for new employees to fit in with the team and company culture. Moreover, ensuring data security in a dispersed work environment requires robust measures to safeguard sensitive information.

Tips & Tricks to Successfully Manage Remote Teams

The surge in remote work has brought about a new set of challenges for team leaders and managers. Successfully navigating the complexities of managing remote teams requires a thoughtful approach that prioritizes communication, collaboration, and employee well-being. Here are some essential tips and tricks for managing remote teams with best practices.

Prioritize Clear Communication:

  • Use Diverse Communication Channels: Rely on a mix of communication tools, including video conferencing, instant messaging, and email. Different situations may call for different channels, so having a variety ensures effective communication.
  • Establish Communication Norms: Set clear expectations for response times, preferred communication platforms, and guidelines for sharing updates. Consistency in communication norms helps build a cohesive remote team.

Leverage Technology for Collaboration:

  • Invest in Collaboration Tools: Implement project management and collaboration tools to streamline remote team management. Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Asana can centralize information and enhance team collaboration.
  • Promote Virtual Face-to-Face Interaction: Schedule regular video meetings to maintain a sense of connection. Seeing each other fosters a more personal connection, reducing feelings of isolation among team members.

Set Clear Expectations and Goals:

  • Define Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly outline each team member’s role, tasks, and responsibilities. In remote settings, it’s important to have clear communication because we can’t see who is doing what.
  • Establish Realistic Goals: Set achievable and measurable goals, both for individual team members and the team as a whole. Regularly revisit goals to ensure they align with the evolving needs of the organization.

Foster Flexibility and Autonomy:

  • Encourage Flexible Work Hours: Acknowledge and accommodate different time zones by allowing flexible work hours. Trust your team to manage their time effectively, emphasizing results over rigid schedules.
  • Promote Autonomy: Empower your team to make decisions and manage their work independently. Autonomy fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, contributing to increased productivity.

Prioritize Team Building and Morale:

  • Organize Virtual Team-Building Activities: Foster a sense of camaraderie with virtual team-building events. Examples include online games, virtual coffee breaks, and team projects that foster camaraderie in a relaxed setting.
  • Recognize and Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge both individual and team achievements regularly. Public recognition boosts morale and creates a positive remote team culture.

Conduct Personal Check-Ins: Schedule one-on-one check-ins to discuss not only work-related matters but also personal well-being. Building a personal connection with team members helps strengthen the overall team dynamic.


Proactive strategies and adaptability can help overcome the challenges of managing remote teams. Managers can create a successful remote team culture by improving communication, teamwork, productivity monitoring, time zone management, and prioritizing well-being.

Managers must understand team needs and use strategies to encourage communication, teamwork, and well-being in remote work. By using remote teams, organizations can create a productive and satisfying work environment for all members.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Remote working presents several key advantages for employees. Flexibility in work schedules allows individuals to customize their hours to better fit their personal needs. The elimination of daily commutes not only saves time but also reduces stress and related costs. This change can help employees balance work and personal life better by combining their professional and personal responsibilities.

Increased productivity is another noteworthy advantage, stemming from the ability to create a personalized and focused workspace. Remote work provides a wider range of job opportunities which helps individuals save money and gives people more autonomy over their work. Additionally, diverse work environments and opportunities for individuals with disabilities underscore the inclusive nature of remote work arrangements. These combined benefits underscore the growing preference for remote work among employees.

Remote working offers several key benefits for businesses. Firstly, it enables access to a wider talent pool, allowing organizations to hire skilled professionals regardless of geographical location. Remote work boosts employee satisfaction and retention by showing dedication to a flexible and accommodating work environment. Operating remotely often results in cost savings for businesses, including reduced expenses associated with office space, utilities, and other facilities.

Working remotely lets employees organize their work based on their preferences and most productive hours, resulting in higher efficiency. Remote work promotes resilience by offering a backup plan during unforeseen events like natural disasters or pandemics. Lastly, remote work promotes environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint associated with daily commuting. In summary, remote working can enhance talent acquisition, employee satisfaction, cost efficiency, productivity, business continuity, and environmental responsibility for organizations.

Work-from-home employees often utilize a variety of conversational tools to facilitate communication, collaboration, and connectivity with their teams. Some commonly used conversational tools include:

  1. Slack: A popular messaging app designed for teams, Slack facilitates real-time communication through channels, direct messages, and file sharing.
  2. Microsoft Teams: Teams, part of Microsoft 365, allows remote team members to chat, video conference, and share files, promoting collaboration.
  3. Zoom: Zoom is commonly used for virtual meetings and video calls. It allows teams to see each other, share screens, and work together instantly.
  4. Google Meet: A part of the Google Workspace, Google Meet allows for video conferencing, screen sharing, and collaborative document editing.
  5. Skype: Skype is a popular platform for messaging, calls, and video chats. Remote workers use it for work and personal communication.
  6. Slack Connect: Extending beyond internal communication, Slack Connect allows organizations to communicate with external partners, clients, or vendors in a shared workspace.
  7. Yammer: Part of the Microsoft 365 suite, Yammer is an enterprise social networking platform that facilitates communication and collaboration within organizations.
  8. Chatter: Integrated with Salesforce, Chatter provides a social collaboration platform for businesses, allowing employees to connect and share information.

Yes, security concerns may arise with managing remote workforce. Employers need to use secure tools for communication and collaboration. They should also provide guidelines for securing home offices. Additionally, they must educate employees on how to protect company data to avoid the biggest challenge of data breach.

Remote work solutions significantly impacts talent acquisition and retention for businesses. The shift to remote work broadens the talent pool by enabling organizations to recruit skilled professionals from diverse locations. The flexibility offered by teamwork working from home enhances the attractiveness of the employer. This makes it easier to attract top talent.

However, successful retention in a remote work environment necessitates strategic efforts. Companies must invest in building a strong remote culture, providing opportunities for professional growth, and ensuring transparent communication. Offering remote-friendly perks and addressing potential feelings of isolation are crucial for retaining talent.