7 Reasons To Hire Offshore Development Team from India

Hire Offshore Development Team from India

Offshore software development is thriving at an unimaginable rate. Why not? From startups to big brands and enterprises, the demand for innovative software and technology solutions has increased, especially after the pandemic.

Studies predict the Offshore Software Development Market is slated to touch USD 283,457.5 Million in market worth by 2030 (From USD 122,257.5 Million in 2021), an exponential rise of 10.13% from 2022 to 2030.

So, how do you satisfy the growing development needs of your clients if the in-house team fails to deliver? Build offshore teams in India and get started!

While you are already sleeping over the idea, we will share seven compelling reasons to hire an offshore development team from India.

Without much ado, let’s start.

The 7 Reasons that Make India A Popular Destination for Offshore Development Services

  • Youngest IT Workforce 

India’s young and dynamic workforce is one of the reasons why most IT and software companies outsource their development projects.  With nearly 65% of Indians under 35 years old, there is a vast pool of skilled and employable labor up for hire.

Studies confirm 1.5 million engineers pass out in India every year. All thanks to the country’s developing education infrastructure which ensures we are never short of techies.

The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) predicts India to be home to the world’s largest developer population surpassing the U.S. by 2024.  With such promising industry figures, it isn’t unreasonable to assume that India has an advantage over many other developing countries.

  • Talent Scarcity 

The IT industry is evolving with new databases, programming languages, and frameworks appearing every day. Unfortunately, the glaring talent gap is hard to avoid.

The PWC CEO survey report 2020 confirms that 74% of CEOs globally are worried about the acute talent shortage and its impact on future growth prospects. Yet India is emerging as an outsourcing hub for many Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Google, and Walmart. Also, the Indian market is better positioned when it comes to software development. Herein, Indian software developers have become proficient in popular and on-demand programming languages. That keeps the door open for companies to hire dedicated developers from India for small to large-scale projects.

  •  No Language Barriers 

India has the second-highest English-speaking population in the world after the US. When outsourcing, India tops the list of handpicked outsourcing countries for most US employers.

With little to worry about language barriers, one can expect clear and comprehensible communication between the business client and the hired developers.

  • Time Zone Benefit 

Time zone differences are a real pain for overseas companies. Fortunately, Indian developers are flexible to work in different time zones as shown below.

Countries  India Is Ahead by 
European 3 hours and 30 minutes
Australia and New Zealand 4 hours 30 min
US and Canada 9 hours and 30 minutes
UK 4 hours and 30 minutes
The Middle East and Gulf countries 1.5 hours

Leverage the time zone advantage and pull together sync-ups and calls with most of your overseas clients. This keeps the development work going and products are rolled out faster than market expectations. 

  • Cost Advantage 

Money matters! And why not?

As per a Deloitte 2020 study, 70% of companies outsource because of the huge cost savings.  And which country can beat the Indian software development industry? In India, you can hire developers for as low as USD 20-25/hr whereas the actual cost can go upto $200 or even more in the US and other European countries. Have a look at the comparison chart of average development rates in different countries below.

Countries  Software Development Rates
US $100-150
Germany $100-150
France $50-99
The United Kingdom $150-$200
Brazil $30-50
Argentina $35-55
Peru $35-55
Vietnam $20-40
The Philippines $25-50

Also, companies can leverage economies of scale by hiring developers as per their development needs or for a specific project.

Why Hire Offshore Development Team?  

There is a long list of development services that IT companies outsource to India nowadays. From as small as building a single web page to enterprise-scale online stores and beyond, you can hire offshore developers in a few clicks with BOT.

Herein, we are cataloging commonly outsourced software development services to India:

  • Mobile App Development

Mobile app development services create and deploy mobile applications for various platforms, such as iOS or Android. Leveraging popular app development platforms, like Build Fire and Flutter, different types of mobile apps can be built for startups, scaleups, and enterprises.

Mobile app development services typically include the following:

  1. Ideation and Concept Development
  2. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design
  3. Development
  4. Testing
  5. Deployment
  6. Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Some companies may also offer additional services, such as app marketing and promotion, analytics and reporting, and integration.

  • Web Development Services 

Web development services refer to the process of designing and developing websites for businesses or individuals.  It includes front-end development, back-end development, full-stack development, low code development, and cloud development.

Web development services typically include the following:

  1. Planning and Design
  2. Front-end Development
  3. Back-end Development
  4. Testing
  5. Deployment
  6. Ongoing Maintenance and Support

Outsourcing web development services leverages the use of the latest tech stacks that guarantee incredible growth for your business clients. 

  • Software Testing and QA

Software testing and QA (Quality Assurance) services ensure software products are safe and secure while satisfying the highest quality standards and performance. These services emphasize identifying and fixing defects, bugs, and other glitches issues before the software is released to the market.

Software testing and QA services typically include the following:

  1. Test Planning
  2. Test Design
  3. Test Execution
  4. Defect Tracking
  5. Reporting and Documentation
  6. QA Consulting

Outsourcing software testing and QA services include performance testing, security testing, functional testing, and automated testing.

  • Enterprise Solutions

Enterprise Solutions include the development, implementation, and management of software solutions for large organizations. These solutions may include enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM), human resources management (HRM), and other business management software applications.

Enterprise Solutions Outsourcing services typically include the following:

  1. Planning
  2. Development
  3. Testing
  4. Deployment
  5. Maintenance and Support

Outsourcing enterprise solutions enables organizations to focus on their core competencies while leveraging the expertise of third-party providers to develop and manage software solutions that meet their specific needs.

  • Digital Marketing

Digital marketing services include search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, and other digital marketing activities.

Digital Marketing Outsourcing services typically include the following:

  1. Strategy and Planning
  2. Execution
  3. Analytics and Reporting
  4. Optimization
  5. Consulting

Digital Marketing Outsourcing can provide several benefits to companies, including access to niche skills and expertise, cost savings, and increased flexibility and scalability. By outsourcing their digital marketing activities, companies can focus on their core competencies while leveraging the expertise of third-party providers to create and implement effective digital marketing strategies.

What to Consider While Hiring Offshore Development Team in India

Hiring an offshore development team in India is no cakewalk. Evaluate the available options in the Indian market and be doubly sure before you sign the dotted line.

Here are the factors that are worth considering when you go hunting for an offshore development team from India: 

1. Proven Track Record

You can’t risk outsourcing software development to random companies, right? Hire a software development team that has a strong track record of successfully delivering quality projects on time and within budget. Check references and online reviews from existing and previous clients to be sure of your decision.

2. Latest Tech Stacks 

The success of software development projects depends on the latest tools and technologies. So, while you are filtering the options, look for teams that possess the right tech stacks for your development project.

3. Experienced Team 

Talent crunch is a reality. So when you plan to go offshore, look for companies that provide access to a vast and diverse pool of highly specialized IT professionals. They must have the desired skills and experience for your development project. Screen the available shortlisted candidates for your specific project requirements.

4. Different Engagement Models

Typically, offshore development teams work on different engagement models. It defines the working equation between the hired developers and the business client.

There are three commonly used business engagement models, namely

Fixed Price engagement model 

The fixed price engagement model is a contract signed between a client and a service provider for a specific project over a pre-agreed fixed price. Suitable for projects that have a well-defined scope, schedule, and budget, and the client assumes the risk of any changes or delays in the project.

Time and Materials Model 

The time and materials engagement model is a contract signed between a client and a service provider where the client pays for the time and materials used to successfully complete a project. Suitable for projects that are flexible and may change scope or requirements during development.

Hourly-Based Model 

The hourly-based engagement model is a contract signed between a client and a service provider where the client is billed for the time spent to complete the project. Suitable for projects that are small or have a short duration. Enjoy greater flexibility and control over the project’s budget.

Be thorough with the pros and cons of each business engagement model before signing up.

5. Code Quality Standards

Hire dedicated developers who adhere to the highest coding quality standards.  It ensures that the product code is

  • Safe, secure, and hack-proof
  • Reliable and easy to maintain
  • Testable at the code level
  • Compatible within different implementation environments

6. Latest Market Trends

Stay at the top of the evolving IT market trends by hiring an offshore team of the likes of Build Offshore Team from India. Look for an offshore development team that has knowledge of the most recent technological advancements in software development. They are inherently passionate and driven to deliver world-class quality service to their clientele.

7. Communication Practices 

Communication is important for the success of any offshore development project. It ensures that everything is in sync as planned and the business client has nothing much to worry about.

Hire a software development team that follows the best communication practices, including

  • Use of project management tools and software
  • Project coordinators
  • Frequency of team meetings and review calls
  • Language barriers

8. Product Support 

When screening software development companies from India, determine the scope of post-development support and maintenance services. It includes product support and maintenance services, software upgrades, and other security updates.

What After Selecting the Offshore Development Partner in India? 

There can be hundreds of developers with diverse skill sets and experience working for your chosen offshore development partner. Now, you have to screen and hire the developers you need for your project’s success. There are no standard steps but most offshore development companies follow the following steps:

1. Share Your Development Project Requirements 

The first step is to determine and share your development project requirements with your selected offshore partner. You may be asked specific questions or elaborate more on your development project deliverables.

2. Share Hiring Proposal 

The hired company will examine and propose a list of candidates (or developers/IT professionals) for your development project. The client has the option to interview and screen the shortlisted candidates.

3. Select Offshore Development Engagement Models

Software development engagement models refer to the ways in which businesses collaborate with offshore software development teams. Choose among the commonly used three models: monthly, hourly, or fixed-cost engagement model.

4. Sign Service Level Agreements 

Most outsourcing companies prepare a service-level agreement that outlines the terms and conditions under which the services will be delivered to the software client. It ensures that the hired development team is accountable for delivering the agreed-upon level of service and that the customer has a clear understanding of what to expect from the service.

5. Ready To Work 

Your hired offshore development team is all set to work on the project. The software client can collaborate and communicate remotely over the development project life cycle for successful delivery.

Conclusion & What to Do Next

India’s emergence as a global software development outsourcing hub is no longer a news. Multiple studies including Deloitte have confirmed India’s status as an undisputed leader in the IT outsourcing market.

A recent Deloitte survey confirms 59% of businesses admitted to outsourcing to India and another 22% said they were considering outsourcing to India. In fact, the management consultancy Kearney listed India at the top in the Global Services Location Index, 2021. These figures are a testament to the potential of the growing Indian development sector.

With post-pandemic times intensifying the demand for IT and software services, Indian offshore development services are going to dominate for a good number of years.

All thanks to India’s

  • Formidable local talent
  • Diverse talent pool
  • Huge cost savings
  • English speaking labor
  • Flexible time zone

Having said that India is lagging behind in digital resonance (Kearney’s metric for digital skills). This must not be taken underplayed. Instead, IT and software companies should invest in skilling, upskilling, and reskilling the workforce to stay relevant against any imminent threat,

Build Offshore Team is one of the leading IT service providers in India. We help businesses meet their evolving development needs without compromising on quality and budget. Interested in partnering with a leading outsourcing software development company in India? Contact us here.